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Every donation directly supports writers, translators, and communities to experience the art and joy of creating with words

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How your support helps Donate via PayPal Giving

You can also donate to specific areas of our work:


100% of your donation will help children, young people and people from diverse community groups develop skills, wellbeing and better futures through writing.

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Dragon Hall

100% of your donation will support the conservation of this unique part of medieval Norwich, a centre of stories for 900 years.

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Writers and Translators

100% of your donation will support our work with emerging writers and translators, providing them with new commissions, residencies, mentoring and more.

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Escalator: Take new writers to the next level

Escalator is NCW’s talent development programme for diverse writers from the East of England.

This transformative programme is only possible thanks to the support of our community.

Together, we will champion new voices and discover new stories.

Donate today for a FREE gift screenprint.

Find out more
Escalator mentor and writers at Dragon Hall, 2020.

Contact Us

If you wish to talk to a member of our team about supporting NCW, or learn more about the difference your support makes to writers, translators and our communities, we would love to hear from you.

Please contact Dan Scales, Development Manager, [email protected].

The National Centre for Writing strives for best practice in its fundraising and is registered with the Fundraising Regulator.

We are transparent with our donors and supporters, and strive to ensure that our fundraising is legal, open, honest, and respectful.